Monday, September 27, 2010

Huge News!!

Okay I feel like am about to burst. The past couple weeks have been very rough on me physically (dealing with a cold) and emotionally.. and that's a big long story, So most of this has happened in just a weekend! So skim to the good part at the end or get comfortable.

So we knew that eventually the time would come for our little gang to break up, for the roommates to move out on their own into the world. I just didn't think it was going to be any time soon. So when one of the room mates says that they are wanting to move out, my world starts into a tailspin. Currently we can not cover what the rent is on our own or with only one roommate.

This leads us to start looking for a place to go. So first we are considering condo's. We look at some, really love some and then we find out about the HOA's per month. Nearly 250$ just in HOA thats not even covering anything else. Even so we still really like them, but we find out that the banks are not financing them.

So plan B. Friday I am set out to look for apartments. Me and mom drive around to all the apartments in the area, getting pricing, scoping out areas and layouts. All apartments are saying we are looking too early for the timeline (the end of November is when the roomie leaves) And all places are 99-100% full. Great!!

All along Mr's Dad really wanted us to look for a house. Both of us though that it would not be possible within our price range. Or that all of them would be old and gross and need too much work!! But to entertain the idea...

Saturday we start out early in the morning looking at places. The first one is a bust, WAY too much work to be done. I really feel like we wont find anything special. Our timeline does not really allow for short sales homes (as they can take forever to close on them). The second house we looked at was promising from the outside. The yard was nice, where most we looked at had dried up lawns. The paint on the outside was fresh, new and clean.

It was an investor who bought the house to flip it. New tile floors, freshly painted walls and new carpet. A lovely back yard with a covered patio, beautiful lawn and mature grown trees, adding shade and privacy. It was really nice. We went to look at several other places but none of them even came close.

Sunday we go in to make an offer...

And Today Monday, They accept it!

Me and Mr. Are buying our very own, First house!!

How exciting and scary all at once. So much to do and get done. Packing, moving, changing our address, cleaning. All while working and right before the holidays!! I've been made to keep it a secret for a couple weeks now, so that's why I have been MIA from the computer and the blogosphere, too much going on to handle. I have had emotional breakdowns, and ups And its only the beginning!


Ruby said... [Reply to comment]

It will all be worth it.

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